My Son Was Right About Cannabis

“Funny enough, my teenage son was the one who pushed me to see Dr. Caplan. I’ve had a stressful job for years, and it’s been taking a toll on my health. My son did a project on cannabis for school and said I should check it out for stress. I was pretty hesitant—I mean, cannabis? It wasn’t something I ever thought I’d try. But after hearing my son talk about it for weeks, I figured, why not? I went to Dr. Caplan with a lot of questions, and he took the time to answer every one of them. He explained how I didn’t have to get ‘high’ to use cannabis for stress and that it could help me feel calmer without messing with my head. He started me on a low-dose CBD plan, and within a couple of weeks, I started noticing a difference. I was less anxious at work, more patient with my family, and just felt more balanced. Honestly, I owe my son for nudging me, but I’m grateful to Dr. Caplan for helping me find a solution that really works.”

– Janet W.

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