Overview of the Massachusetts Medical Process
After your virtual visit with CED Clinic’s healthcare provider, the medical component of your card (the doctor “certification”) part is complete.
Massachusetts also requires that you complete a brief online application so that they can mail you a state-sponsored plastic license, which gives you access to MA dispensaries (and others that offer reciprocity) for 365 days. Both of these two parts of the MA license (the doctor visit and the state registration) must be renewed annually. Pediatric patients, biannually.
Registration Steps :
1. Visit the new CCC patient gateway:
- Select the first box that indicates you are a newly certified patient and would like to create an account and register for the Medical Use of Marijuana Online Program for the first time
2. Confirm Registration Details
- Complete the state registration, following the online instructions (your PIN code will be emailed to you by CED Clinic after your appointment)
- REMEMBER to have your proof of residency and photo of yourself already scanned and formatted correctly on your computer, as this is a time-sensitive process.
3. Print your card
- After you receive confirmation that the application has been approved, you may log back into the Patient Portal, using your username and password (this link: ) to print a paper card (if you need it).
- This paper-printed card can be used at all of the dispensaries until the plastic license arrives in the mail. If you have a card from last year that is still valid, the completion of the above steps should automatically prompt a new card to be mailed by the state.
1. Visit the new CCC patient gateway:
- If this is your first entry into the new system, click box which indicates that you’re a renewing patient, but new to this system. Where appropriate, click the link that allows you to “Claim Account”
2. Confirm Registration Details
- After claiming your account, log in to complete a brief review of your Cannabis Control Commission (state) application profile, so that the state can reissue you a plastic license for this year.
- Once this is done, expect to receive an email from “CNB Commission (CCC)” informing you that You have successfully completed your registration”.
3. Print your card
- After you receive confirmation that the application has been approved, you may log back into the Patient Portal, using your username and password (this link: ) to print a paper card (if you need it).
- This paper-printed card can be used at all of the dispensaries until the plastic license arrives in the mail. If you have a card from last year that is still valid, the completion of the above steps should automatically prompt a new card to be mailed by the state.
1. Visit the new CCC patient gateway:
- Select the box that pertains to your status of new or renewing the patient’s registration.
2. Confirm Registration Details
- Complete the state registration, following the online instructions (The new patient PIN code will be emailed to you by CED Clinic after your appointment)
- Pediatric Reminder REMEMBER to have the proof of MA residency and photos of yourself and the patient PLUS a document of proof of parent or legal guardianship (like birth certificate or proof of adoption)
- Once this is done, expect to receive an email from “CNB Commission (CCC)” informing you that You have successfully completed your registration”.
3. Print your card
- After you receive confirmation that the application has been approved, you may log back into the Patient Portal, using your username and password (this link: ) to print a paper card (if you need it).
- This paper-printed card can be used at all of the dispensaries until the plastic license arrives in the mail. If you have a card from last year that is still valid, the completion of the above steps should automatically prompt a new card to be mailed by the state.
If you are unable to register online, a more lengthy paper registration process is available. Please call to +(833) 869-6820 request a paper registration form.