Rhode Island’s qualifying conditions for a medical marijuana card

Medical cannabis use was approved in 2006 for Rhode Island residents with a qualifying condition. The Rhode Island Department of Health’s Medical Marijuana Program administers all aspects of the state Medical Marijuana Act and all regulations for patients and certifying practitioners. This includes who is eligible to receive a Rhode Island medical marijuana card, based on their qualifying health or medical condition.

Medical Cannabis Use in the United States

Over the past few decades, the benefits of medical cannabis have become increasingly accepted. One survey showed that 86 percent of respondents believe in the positive benefits of cannabis for medical conditions. There are nearly 20,000 medical marijuana cardholders in Rhode Island.

Because marijuana is not federally-regulated, each state that has a legal medical marijuana program has its own set of laws. Medical marijuana is available in Rhode Island for a variety of conditions. First, a patient must obtain a formal diagnosis in a medical cannabis evaluation to apply for their Rhode Island medical marijuana card.

Qualifying Conditions toApply for Medical Marijuana in Rhode Island

In the state of Rhode Island, there are two categories of qualifying conditions required to get a medical marijuana card.

The first category lists specific health diseases or illnesses. Cannabis is also authorized to help with symptoms derived from the treatment of these conditions.

  • • Cancer
  • • Glaucoma
  • • Positive status for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • • Hepatitis C

The second category of qualifying conditions can relate to a chronic or debilitating disease,medical condition, or its treatment that produces one or more of the following:

  • • Cachexia or wasting syndrome
  • • Severe, debilitating, chronic pain
  • • Severe nausea
  • • Seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy
  • • Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis or Crohn’s disease
  • • Agitation related to Alzheimer’s Disease

Determining the Diagnosis of Your Qualifying Condition

CED Clinic provides medical cannabis services for those seeking treatment for Rhode Island’s qualifying conditions. At CED Clinic, our cannabis doctors and physicians focus on individual patient care for specific needs.

Our clinicians will review your health history in a medical cannabis evaluation to better assess the benefits for your medical concerns. During this cannabis clinic visit, it is important to talk to your doctor about all of the symptoms you are experiencing.

Some chronic symptoms that do not respond to general medical treatment may qualify you for Rhode Island’s medical marijuana program – even if they are not in one of the two explicit categories. Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are not on the list of qualifying conditions but may be considered for a medical marijuana prescription.

Applying for a Rhode Island Medical Marijuana Card

The first step in the medical cannabis application process is to be formally diagnosed. CED Clinic offers telehealth options across multiple states, including Rhode Island. You can expedite the process by scheduling your appointment and filling out the intake form.

Our cannabis clinicians will evaluate your health history and Rhode Island qualifying conditions for a cannabis medical card. We are here to walk you through the medical marijuana card application process and look forward to helping you feel empowered and educated about your cannabis choices.

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