How to know if medical cannabis is right for you

Whether you have tried other forms of treatment and failed to find relief, or you just prefer a holistic alternative, you may be wondering if medical cannabis is right for you. As a whole, over the last several decades we have learned so much about the benefits of cannabis and how this plant can help you find relief.

However, we’re learning each day that the plant is complex in how it works with our bodies. No matter your symptoms or type of relief you’re seeking, it’s important to learn how to know if medical cannabis is right for you.

History of Medical Cannabis

Patients have touted the benefits of medical cannabis for not only years, and decades, but also through the centuries. Evidence suggests that cannabis was used extensively in what is now Romania, more than 5,000 years ago. And before that, archeological evidence has found cannabis in human culture as far back as 12,000 years ago.  In the U.S., cannabis was widely utilized as a patent medicine during the 19th and early 20th centuries, described in the United States Pharmacopoeia for the first time in 1850.

In the grand scheme of things, cannabis prohibition only existed for a handful of recent years, as opposed to centuries of acceptance. Over the last several decades, many states, including Massachusetts have recognized the need and legalized cannabis in some capacity.

Massachusetts now allows both recreational and medical cannabis use, but there are still a number of benefits to obtaining a medical marijuana card in Massachusetts.

How Does Cannabis Work?

Every creature with vertebrae has an endocannabinoid system. A series of receptors exists throughout the body and serves the purpose of restoring and maintaining balance (homeostasis), as well as other multiple forms of neurological communication.

Cannabinoids (cannabis molecules) interact with these receptors in different ways depending on their molecular structure. Some major cannabinoids include THC and CBD. Others you may have heard of include CBN, CBG, CBC many more (over 100 more, actually).

There are a plethora of cannabis strains to choose from. Just like there are countless varieties and hybrids of roses, the same can be said for cannabis strains. Like any other plant, they can be cultivated to have specific properties like a higher ratio of CBD, or other plant compounds like terpenes, fatty acids, and proteins.

Different combinations of cannabinoids and plant compounds may affect the body in slightly different ways. For example, the terpene linalool is also found in lavender and is known to have a calming effect, so strains with more linalool may be encouraged for those who are anxious or stressed.

What Are The Benefits of Medical Cannabis?

There are countless benefits of consuming medical cannabis, though it is important to note that your experience may not be exactly the same as someone else’s. In general, some of the primary ways medical cannabis can help you find relief is through:

       • pain relief,

       • decreased stress, anxiety, or worry

       • better sleep habits and sleep patterns

       • along with other more specific benefits depending on your specific need

Qualified Conditions For a Massachusetts Medical Card

In answering the question, “how do you know if medical cannabis is right for you,” it’s important to note how the condition you are seeking treatment for is certainly relevant.

In order to obtain a medical cannabis certification, the state requires that you have a qualifying condition. Patients 18 and older with a Massachusetts medical cannabis card can buy larger quantities of cannabis than those who purchase recreational cannabis.

Some of these qualifying conditions in a medical cannabis evaluation include:

       • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

       • Cancer

       • Crohn’s disease

       • Glaucoma

       • HIV/AIDS

       • Hepatitis C

       • Multiple Sclerosis

       • Parkinson’s disease

These conditions are governed by the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission for medical marijuana doctors and patients and are continually updated as additional conditions are evaluated.

The diagnosis of any of these qualifying conditions must be verified by a medical doctor, and the patient must go through an application process. If your exact condition is not listed above, do not let that be a deterrent. Dr Caplan has the ability to determine what conditions may benefit from medical cannabis and has the authority to issue cards for any condition where it is medically appropriate.

How Do You Know If Medical Cannabis Is Right For You?

Many people, with and without a medical condition can benefit from cannabis use. CED champions a holistic approach to healthcare and wellness that includes medicinal cannabis. Meet with our team of marijuana doctors in Massachusetts to discuss your medical marijuana card needs – through a cannabis evaluation, we’ll review your medical history, answer all your questions, address your symptoms and discuss how cannabis could better your health.

If you think getting a Massachusetts medical marijuana card could be right for you, request an appointment online at your preferred time or call us to schedule one at (617) 500-3595 and we will be more than happy to guide you through the process.

2 thoughts on “How to know if medical cannabis is right for you

  1. It’s helpful to learn the type of medical conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana. One of my uncles recently found out that he has cancer, and he’s been getting chemotherapy for the past months, but the side effects are very painful. Your information will show him what medical marijuana can do and how to apply for the treatment.

  2. I find it surprising that you could use cannabis to treat several diseases and improve your sleeping habits! I saw online ads that offer card services for individuals and I got curious about them. I think my uncle should consider investing in these marijuana options when we meet again.

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