Former NFL player says that cannabis saved him, and he thinks it can help others
In Summary:
There are many different outlets for individuals to deal with stress and anxiety in their lives. For Kyle Turley, former All-Pro Offensive Tackle for the National Football League, marijuana is more than a stress relief. He believes cannabis saved his life. After smoking for more than 20 years, Turley believes cannabis has improved his immune system and credits it with helping him fight off the infamous COVID-19 virus. After his retirement in 2007, Turley moved back to his hometown in California in the hopes of one day getting his cannabis licence.
While the state of California has deemed dispensaries an essential business, Turley believes it has been essential to his survival for his life after professional football. After retirement, he believes cannabis has helped cure many ailments including vertigo, seizures, mood swings and many other symptoms footbal players typically suffer from in retirement. Kyle Turley is not the only one in his household who has benefited from cannabis consumption. His wife, Stacey, believes daily doses of CBD cream have alleviated her skin cancer and has boosted the immune systems of their children.