Impressionistic painting of a medical cannabis consultation showing a male doctor and a middle-aged female patient discussing over a desk in a clinic

Awful Business Practices Eroding Trust and Medical Cannabis Ethics: The Case of Medwell and DocMJ

Medical Cannabis Ethics and Industry Integrity

This post comes in follow up of this previous post here

In the rapidly expanding field of medical cannabis, the significance of medical cannabis ethics and the quality of patient care cannot be overstated. However, organizations like Medwell and DocMJ have displayed a troubling trend of prioritizing profits at the expense of patient-centered care. This approach not only tarnishes the reputations of such companies but also casts a shadow over the legitimacy of the medical cannabis industry as a whole.

The recent settlement involving Physician Compassionate Care, operating as DocMJ, where they agreed to pay over $736,000 to resolve allegations of sending spam text messages to consumers, is a case in point. This incident under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) reflects broader ethical concerns. It illustrates a model of operation where the focus is on maximizing client intake through aggressive marketing tactics rather than providing genuine medical advice and follow-up care.

This case is particularly significant because it not only reflects non-compliance with federal regulations but also indicates a disregard for the personal and sensitive nature of patient communications in healthcare. Effective and ethical medical cannabis care should involve personalized consultations, tailored treatment plans, and privacy-respecting communication—qualities that are evidently lacking in these high-volume, low-engagement business models.

Moreover, treating medical marijuana recommendations as quick transactions undermines the critical role of comprehensive patient evaluations. Such evaluations are essential to ensure that cannabis treatment is appropriate, safe, and beneficial in the context of a patient’s overall health status and other treatments. This conveyor-belt approach to medical recommendations can lead to inadequate patient education on the use of cannabis, potential drug interactions, and management of side effects, which are crucial components of safe cannabis therapy.

The impact of these practices extends beyond individual patient experiences. They erode trust in the medical cannabis industry, which is still fighting stigmas and striving for acceptance within broader medical and patient communities. As more states legalize medical cannabis and more patients seek cannabis-based treatments, it is imperative that the industry is seen as credible and trustworthy.

For the medical cannabis sector to maintain its integrity and continue to grow in a positive direction, it is vital for all involved to adhere to high standards of medical cannabis ethics and ethical business practices. Patients should be treated with respect and care, receiving not just a prescription but a thorough understanding of their treatment. This ensures not only compliance with legal standards but also fosters a positive perception of cannabis as a legitimate medical option.

As the industry evolves, it becomes increasingly important to spotlight and challenge the practices of companies that diminish its credibility. By demanding higher standards and choosing providers wisely, patients and advocates can help shape an industry that truly prioritizes health and care over profit.

Quality of Care at Stake

At CED Clinic, we often encounter patients who have previously engaged with services like those offered by Medwell and DocMJ. These patients frequently report a stark lack of follow-up or genuine care from these providers. Medwell, for instance, is known among some circles more for its rapid issuance of medical marijuana cards than for its patient care. This ‘card flipping’ approach neglects the essential standards of medical cannabis ethics, including understanding a patient’s complete health profile and ensuring their treatment aligns with their specific medical needs.

The practice of spamming potential patients with text messages further underscores the impersonal and transactional nature of these businesses. It’s hard to imagine a reputable medical institution adopting such invasive marketing tactics. Would you trust your health to a provider whose main communication method is akin to that of a relentless sales campaign?

The Hidden Costs of Discounted Medical Marijuana Cards: Quality Care vs. Quick Deals

The appeal of low-cost medical marijuana cards can be tempting, especially to those seeking relief on a budget. However, as with many things in life, cheaper options often come with hidden costs. This is particularly true in the realm of medical cannabis, where the complexity and delicacy of treatments necessitate a high level of care and expertise.

Fast Food vs. Fine Dining: A Health and Quality Comparison

Just as fast food offers a quick, inexpensive meal at the cost of nutritional value and dining experience, discounted medical marijuana cards typically offer a rapid approval process at the expense of thorough medical oversight. Fast food, while convenient and economical, often leads to long-term health consequences and lacks the culinary satisfaction of a meal prepared with care and expertise. Similarly, the quick and impersonal service provided by some low-cost cannabis card services can result in inadequate patient education, improper dosage recommendations, and a lack of follow-up care, which are vital for safe and effective cannabis treatment.

The experience of consulting with a dedicated, knowledgeable professional who takes the time to understand and address individual health needs is akin to dining at a fine restaurant. The attention to detail, the ambiance, and the quality of service enhance the overall experience and contribute positively to one’s well-being. This level of care and interaction is often missing when services are stripped to their bare minimum in the name of cost-saving.

The Benefits of Fair Compensation for Healthcare Professionals

Investing in quality healthcare services by paying clinicians a fair wage yields significant benefits. It motivates professionals to deepen their expertise, stay updated with the latest research, and develop better care protocols. In the medical cannabis field, where ongoing research and patient feedback are crucial to optimizing treatment plans, the value of informed and engaged healthcare providers cannot be underestimated.

Fair compensation also fosters a sense of value and respect within the profession, which is essential for attracting skilled practitioners to the field of medical cannabis. When clinicians are paid well, they are more likely to invest time in patient education, engage in community outreach, and contribute to the advancement of the field through research and innovation.

Moreover, well-compensated professionals are generally more motivated to provide personalized care and follow-up, ensuring that patients receive comprehensive support throughout their treatment journey. This not only improves patient outcomes but also enhances patient satisfaction and trust in medical cannabis as a legitimate therapeutic option.

Prioritizing Quality over Cost in Cannabis Medicine

Ultimately, the choice between a discounted medical marijuana card and a more costly, comprehensive care option should consider more than just the immediate financial outlay. The long-term health benefits, the quality of medical advice, and the ongoing support system are crucial factors that can significantly influence treatment efficacy and patient safety.

Patients and healthcare systems alike would benefit from viewing medical cannabis care as an investment in health rather than an expense to be minimized. By choosing providers who offer detailed consultations, continuous education, and robust follow-up, patients can ensure they receive the best possible care—maximizing the therapeutic potential of cannabis while minimizing risks.

In conclusion, while the allure of cheap medical marijuana cards is understandable, the real cost of such services often extends beyond the initial savings, affecting both patient health and the overall quality of care. Investing in high-quality medical cannabis care, therefore, not only supports individual health outcomes but also contributes to the legitimacy and growth of the entire field.

A Call for Higher Standards

This situation serves as a reminder of the need for higher standards within the medical marijuana industry. Companies involved in this sector must not only comply with all regulatory requirements but should also strive to uphold the dignity and integrity of medical practice. Patients seeking medical cannabis deserve the same level of professional care and consideration that is expected in any other medical context.

CED Clinic: A Beacon of Excellence in Cannabis Medicine

As the medical cannabis industry expands, the importance of supporting institutions that uphold high standards of quality, ethics, and patient-centric care becomes ever more crucial. CED Clinic exemplifies such dedication, continuously pushing the boundaries of cannabis medicine through meticulous patient care, extensive educational efforts, and a deep commitment to enhancing patient well-being.

Personalized Care and Lasting Relationships

At CED Clinic, we believe that effective medical treatment goes beyond the initial consultation. We invest time in each patient, ensuring they receive as much attention as necessary to address their unique health concerns. This approach allows us to develop personal relationships with every patient, fostering a trusting and supportive environment that is conducive to healing.

Our healthcare providers are consistent figures in our patients’ medical journeys. Some of these professional relationships span years, and in some cases, decades. This continuity of care is not just about maintaining a standard of treatment; it’s about deepening the understanding of each patient’s evolving needs and experiences. By following our patients over time, we learn about their challenges and victories, gathering insights that help refine our care strategies and improve outcomes.

Building on Therapeutic Relationships

CED Clinic is built on the foundation of therapeutic relationships, which are not only central to our philosophy but are also supported by evidence as being critical to ideal healing outcomes. These relationships create a safe space for patients to discuss their concerns and experiences openly, ensuring that treatments are adapted to real-world effects and patient feedback.

Our commitment to these principles is reflected in every interaction within our clinics. From detailed initial assessments to ongoing management and follow-up, each step in our process is designed to strengthen the doctor-patient relationship, enhance trust, and promote a holistic approach to health.

Education as a Pillar of Care

Comprehensive education is another cornerstone of our practice at CED Clinic. We strive to empower our patients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their treatment options. Our educational efforts extend beyond the individual, reaching out to the community to increase awareness about the benefits and complexities of cannabis as a medical treatment. This not only aids in demystifying cannabis use but also helps elevate the discourse surrounding cannabis medicine, promoting a more informed and accepting public perspective.

As the landscape of medical cannabis continues to evolve, CED Clinic remains steadfast in its mission to provide top-notch cannabis care grounded in ethical practices and patient-centered approaches. We continue to advocate for and embody the kind of healthcare that not only treats but truly cares and connects with each patient. Through ongoing dedication to these values, CED Clinic stands as a leader in the field, advocating for a future where medical cannabis is recognized as a vital and viable part of healthcare.

Navigating Your Choices in Medical Marijuana Care

Choosing a medical marijuana provider is a decision that should be approached with care and consideration. It’s not merely about obtaining legal access to cannabis; it’s about forming a partnership with a healthcare provider who truly values your well-being and is committed to the long-term management of your health.

Seek Providers Committed to Comprehensive Care

When selecting a medical cannabis provider, look for clinics that prioritize holistic, evidence-based care. These providers take the time to understand not just your symptoms, but your overall lifestyle, health history, and treatment goals. They should offer comprehensive assessments that go beyond the surface, ensuring that the cannabis treatment plan is not only effective but also safe given your unique health circumstances.

Follow-Up: A Key Component of Effective Treatment

Continuity of care is crucial. Your provider should have a robust system in place for following up on your treatment. This means regular check-ins to assess the efficacy of the cannabis regimen, adjustments based on your feedback, and ongoing support to address any side effects or concerns that may arise. Providers who invest in follow-up care demonstrate their commitment to your health outcomes and are more likely to deliver personalized care that adapts to your evolving needs.

Holistic and Patient-Centered Approaches

Ideal cannabis medicine providers integrate holistic approaches that consider the full spectrum of physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors affecting your health. They should work collaboratively with you to explore all available treatment options, including complementary therapies that can enhance the effectiveness of cannabis. This patient-centered approach ensures that care plans are not only targeted but also aligned with your personal health goals and preferences.

Prioritize Quality and Ethical Practices

It’s essential to choose a provider who views your health as more than just a transaction. Ethical practices in medical cannabis care are indicative of a provider’s dedication to the field and to their patients. Research potential providers, read reviews, and perhaps most importantly, schedule a consultation to discuss their approach to care. This initial interaction can provide significant insight into how they value patient relationships and whether they prioritize quality care.

Making Informed Decisions

Finally, remember that the quality of service you receive can significantly impact your treatment outcomes. Providers who are knowledgeable, transparent about the benefits and risks of cannabis, and attentive to your needs will contribute positively to your treatment experience. These providers will not only guide you through the initial phases of cannabis treatment but will be your partners in long-term health management.

Choosing the right medical marijuana provider is crucial for ensuring that you receive the best possible care. By prioritizing quality, comprehensive care, and ethical practices, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your health needs and ensures a supportive, effective treatment journey.


  1. Barnes, M. P. (2018). “The importance of high-quality care in medicinal cannabis.” Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 43(6), 848-850.

This article discusses the critical need for high-quality care in the prescription and management of medicinal cannabis, emphasizing the complexities and nuances in patient care that require detailed attention from healthcare providers.

  1. Haug, N. A., Kieschnick, D., Sottile, J. E., Babson, K. A., Vandrey, R., & Bonn-Miller, M. O. (2017). “Training and Practices of Cannabis Dispensary Staff.” Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2(1), 298-305.

This study highlights the variability in training and knowledge among cannabis dispensary staff, suggesting a gap in the quality of patient education and guidance, which can significantly affect patient outcomes.

  1. Ziemianski, D., Capler, R., Tekanoff, R., Lacasse, A., Luconi, F., Ware, M. A. (2016). “Cannabis in medicine: a national educational needs assessment among Canadian physicians.” BMC Medical Education, 16, 107.

This research outlines the educational gaps among physicians regarding medical cannabis, stressing the importance of comprehensive healthcare provider education to ensure high-quality patient care.

  1. Blair, S., & Hall, B. (2016). “An investigation of patient motivations for their use of medical cannabis and barriers to healthcare in medical cannabis patients.” Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 26, 108-111.

The paper explores patient motivations for using medical cannabis and identifies significant barriers to high-quality care, including inconsistent consultation practices and limited follow-up.

  1. Corroon, J., Mischley, L. K., & Sexton, M. (2017). “Cannabis as a substitute for prescription drugs – a cross-sectional study.” The Journal of Pain Research, 10, 989-998.

This cross-sectional study provides insight into how patients substitute cannabis for prescription drugs and the need for quality control and professional guidance to manage such substitutions safely and effectively.

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