April 30th, 2020

Daily co-occurrences of marijuana use, alcohol use, and sexual intercourse among at-risk, truant adolescent girls

In Summary

A recent study conducted by Brown University found that adolescent female cannabis users were less likely than their peers to engage in sexual intercourse. It remains uncertain whether cannabis is reducing participants’ desire to engage in sexual intercourse or if there is a second common factor that wards them away from intercourse. Within the same population, it was found that the participants who consumed alcohol were far more likely to engage in sexual intercourse that day than controls or cannabis users. This knowledge may aid in the development of prevention programs, specifically for those consuming alcohol underage and then engaging in sexual intercourse, defined as a high-risk behavior in this study.

Adolescent cannabis use is a hot topic of conversation as state governments continue to legalize medical and recreational cannabis. At-home cultivators and those who maintain a large amount of cannabis at their homes need to ensure proper storage and restriction methods to ensure the safety of their children. Too little is known about the long-term effects of cannabis to allow adolescents to have unsupervised access to cannabis. There should also be more studies conducted addressing the effect of cannabis-based medications in adolescents so it can be deemed safe to give children for various disorders or if it affects neural development.

The study is available for review or download here:


View more studies like this in the CED Foundation Archive: http://bit.ly/drcaplan

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